Wednesday, February 19, 2025
HomeHealth and FitnessBest Detox Program That You Should Follow!

Best Detox Program That You Should Follow!

We Are Going To Start Our Healthy Living With This Best Detox Program

The Best Detox Program is what you need for Smooth ingestion and absorption of nutrients, as well as the liver’s effective detoxification of contaminants, for complete essential good health. As a result, a cleanse regimen will be an effective way to rejuvenate the body and skin from the inside out. The trick to a comfortable cleanse is to relax into the regimen gradually so that your body does not go into shock. Eliminate beer, caffeine, nicotine, added carbohydrates, saturated fats, and all packaged foods five days before starting the detox diet schedule. This will accumulate as chemicals in your body and must be avoided at all times.



Directions: 2 capsules of each with food in the morning

Helps to spontaneously cleanse the body, as well as aid in water retention issues and the removal of residual colon build-up; excellent for arthritis.

Key Ingredients:
best detox program pills
  1. Black Radish Extract: Gently stimulates intestines to eliminate build-up, also improves dull complexions
  2. Cornsilk: A natural diuretic to reduce swelling, anti-inflammatory 
  3. Plantain Seed: Helps decrease cholesterol and ease constipation
  4. Uva Ursi: Has diuretic and antiseptic properties to help with excessive bloating
  5. Cleavers: Known as a tonic for the lymphatic system also acting on the kidneys with some antibiotic activity
  6. Peppermint: Provides a natural source of potassium and helps enhance the digestive activity
CAL METAB PLUS (Stimulating)

Helps to improve appetite and the body’s capacity to eat calories.

Key Ingredients:
  1. Laminaria Algae Extract: Has a general cleansing effect on the bloodstream and maintains a healthy interchange of body fluids, also supplies essential Vitamins and Minerals including a high percentage of Iodine that helps to keep the thyroid healthy and increase the body’s ability to burn off excess fat.
Ascophyllum Algae

2. Ascophyllum Algae-A: Supplies nutrients and oxygen, increasing the body’s own ability to burn off fat during exercise.

3. Plantain Seed: A high source of dietary fiber, helping to reduce cholesterol and mildly suppressing the appetite.


Directions: 2 capsules with food in the morning

SILHOUETTE (Contouring and Cellulite Removal)

Toxins are effectively broken down and removed from the bloodstream, the blood is purified, and the body’s capacity to burn fat is increased.

Key Ingredients:
  • Klamath Lake Algae: Contains many of the body’s daily needed vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, chlorophyll which helps with cell regeneration and purifies the blood
Centella Asiatic Extract
  • Centella Asiatic Extract: Nourishes the connective tissue, having healing and anti-inflammatory properties, and helps with muscular disorders
  • Laminaria Algae Extract: Stimulates optimum functioning of the thyroid gland, increasing the body’s ability to burn excess fat; helps in regulating the texture of the skin


Directions: 2 capsules with food in the morning


It aids in increasing energy levels, combating tiredness, and increasing the body’s endurance.

Key Ingredients:
  • Spirulina Algae: Contains all the body’s daily needed vitamins, minerals, and trace elements; high in protein, vitamin B12, and essential amino acids
  • Siberian Ginseng: Stimulates the mind and body and improves mental alertness; reduces the effects of stress and tension; strengthens bone, teeth, hair & nails
Sarsapilla root

-Sarsaparilla Root: Excellent herbal tonic, helping to enhance physical performance

-Gotu Kola: Known as a traditional tonic and blood purifier, also helps to increase circula.

Please consume at least 8-10 glasses of water during the program to flush contaminants from the body.

A detoxification regimen is more successful when followed by consistency and determination, as well as a healthy diet and light workout program.

Start Your Best Detox Program by Clicking Here!

About The Author

doctor of herbal medicine

My mission is to bring greater awareness about the power of the ancient wisdom, art, and science of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and to teach people that there is a better and more sustainable way to reach the best version of themselves. I inspire and lead others using accountability practices that allow others to take greater responsibility for their health and wellness. I want everyone to be a willing participant in the lifestyle changes that may be necessary to reach optimal and sustainable health.


This Information provided by AntonikaChanel LLC on is for general informational purposes only. Everything material on the Site is supplied “entirely”. We make no representations or warranty of any sort, regarding the adequacy or completeness of the content. This website is under no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of this site or reliance on any information provided on the site.

Dr. Antonika Chanel DACM LA.c
Dr. Antonika Chanel DACM LA.c
Antonika is a holistic health and wellness practitioner who practices monstatic medicine also known as pastoral care. Using the art of meridian therapy Dr. Antonika gently guide, nudge the body and mind to find its own balance. The intelligence of the body knows what to do. Years of practice aids her patients into their return to inner harmony, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being so that we can realize our life's passion without limitations.  ChiC Welllness is dedicated to integrating the highest standard of complementary, and alternative medicine, nurturing intrinsic healing in the whole person. It is our mission to serve, empower and partner with our patients and our community on the path to wellness, transformation, and wholeness. We serve as a model for the new paradigm of patient-centered health care dedicated to furthering evidenced based research and education in Integrative Medicine. 
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