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HomeHealth and FitnessHow does TCM Treat Diabetes Mellitus? TCM Doctor Explains

How does TCM Treat Diabetes Mellitus? TCM Doctor Explains

How does Chinese Medicine treat the symptoms? by addressing the individual’s symptoms and taking into account their unique constitution? Treatment plans may include diabetes.

Traditional Chinese Medicine treats diabetes by restoring balance to the body. In Chinese Medicine, diabetes belongs to the category of “Xiaoke disease (a disease with symptoms of frequent drinking and urination)”; in the traditional sense, its pathogenesis is “Yin deficiency and dryness-heat.” However, changes in the social environment and lifestyle have also changed conventional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in diabetes over time. In this study, we performed diabetes syndrome differentiation using TCM according to evidence-based Medicine and expert consensus opinion.

Overview To Diabetes Mellitus Management

You should know and apply diabetes mellitus management by taking care of yourself daily, you will monitor your diabetes and enjoy a long and stable life.

Diabetes will impact nearly any organ in your body. As a result, you’ll need to keep track of your blood glucose levels, commonly known as blood sugar. Managing your blood glucose levels, and your blood pressure and cholesterol will help you avoid the health complications that can arise from diabetes.

The total number of individuals above the age of 18 in the United States with confirmed and undiagnosed diabetes is 30.2 million. About 27.9 and 32.7 percent of the population is represented by this statistic.

Diabetes, if not managed properly, may trigger an accumulation of sugars in the blood, increasing the likelihood of serious conditions such as stroke and cardiac failure.

General Objectives Of Diabetes Management

  1. To alleviate effects
  1. Diabetes morbidity, death, and societal risks can be reduced if related clinical conditions are addressed.
  1. Preventing as many immediate and long-term complications as possible; monitoring the progress of those complications and providing prompt intervention
  1. To enhance the individual’s quality of life and effectiveness as a diabetic.

Why Is It Important To Manage Your Diabetes?

Taking care of yourself and your diabetes will make you feel better now and in the future. When the blood sugar (glucose) levels are above average, you are more prone to:

manage diabetes
  • Have more energy
  • Be less tired and thirsty
  • Need to pass urine less often
  • Heal better
  • Have fewer skin or bladder infections

You would also have a lower risk of developing diabetes-related health conditions such as:

  • Heart attack or stroke
  • Eye problems that can lead to trouble seeing or going blind
  • Pain, tingling, or numbness in your hands and feet, also called nerve damage
  • Kidney problems that can cause your kidneys to stop working
  • Teeth and gum problems

You and The Health Care Team

You are the most valuable part of your team. It is up to you to read everything you can about diabetes. Follow the recovery plan recommended by the health care provider. In addition, consult with the health care staff members on a daily basis.

health care team for diabetes management
  • Dentist
  • Diabetes Doctor
  • Diabetes Educator
  • Dietitian
  • Eye Doctor
  • Foot Doctor
  • Friends and Family
  • Mental Health Counselor
  • Nurse
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Pharmacist
  • Social Worker

Find a specialist who is interested in and experienced in diabetes control to evaluate your condition, provide prescription options, and oversee your overall diabetes care package.

If you have some concerns about your diabetes, consult with your doctor. Please report any improvements in your well-being.

Suggest Ways On How A Diabetic Person Can Live A Normal Life

diabetic persona can live a normal life

When you have diabetes, it is normal to feel overwhelmed, depressed, or upset. You may be aware of the measures you can follow to remain safe, but you are having difficulty keeping to your plan over time. This segment contains advice about how to manage your diabetes, eat well, and stay healthy.

Cope With Your Diabetes

  • Blood sugar levels will rise as a result of stress. Learn how to reduce the burden. Try slow breathing, gardening, going for a stroll, meditating, focusing on a hobby, or listening to music.
  • When you are feeling sad, get assistance. A mental health advocate, community network, church member, acquaintance, or family member who can respond to your problems might be able to make you feel better.

Dietary Recommendations For Diabetes Mellitus

  • Create a diabetic meal schedule with the assistance of the health care staff.
  • Reduce the intake of calories, saturated fat, trans fat, sugar, and salt while eating foods with fewer calories, saturated fat, trans fat, sugar, and salt.
  • Consume more fiber-rich ingredients such as whole-grain cereals, bread, crackers, potatoes, or pasta.
  • Choose fruits and berries, whole wheat, bread, and cereals, as well as low-fat or condensed milk and cheese.
  • Replace juice and daily soda with water.
  • Cover half of the plate with fruits and vegetables, one quarter with a lean protein like beans, chicken, or turkey without the meat, and one quarter with a whole grain like brown rice or whole-wheat pasta.

The Things You Should Do For Diabetes Mellitus Management

diabetes mellitus management
  • Even when you feel well, take your diabetes and other preventive medications. Consult the doctor to see whether you use aspirin to avoid a heart attack or stroke. Inform the doctor whether you are unable to pay for the medications or whether you are experiencing some adverse effects.
  • Every day, inspect your feet for bruises, blisters, red marks, and swelling. If you notice any sores that do not go down, contact the health care provider right away.
  • Brush and floss your teeth twice a day to keep your lips, teeth, and gums safe.
  • Quit cigars. Seek assistance in leaving. Dial 1-800-QUITNOW (1-800-784-8669).
  • Keep an eye on the blood sugar levels. You can update it at least once a day. Keep track of the blood sugar levels using the card at the back of this booklet. And sure you discuss it with the medical staff.
  • If your doctor recommends it, take your blood pressure and maintain a record of it.


An overview of diabetes types and treatments
4 Steps to Manage Your Diabetes for Life

About The Author


My mission is to bring greater awareness about the power of the ancient wisdom, art, and science of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and to teach people that there is a better and more sustainable way to reach the best version of themselves. I inspire and lead others using accountability practices that allow others to take greater responsibility for their health and wellness. I want everyone to be a willing participant in the lifestyle changes that may be necessary to reach optimal and sustainable health.


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How does Chinese Medicine treat the symptoms by addressing the individual’s symptoms and taking into account their unique constitution? Treatment plans may include diabetes.

Traditional Chinese Medicine treats diabetes by restoring balance to the body. In Chinese Medicine, diabetes belongs to the category of “Xiaoke disease (a disease with symptoms of frequent drinking and urination)”; in the traditional sense, its pathogenesis is “Yin deficiency and dryness-heat.” However, changes in the social environment and lifestyle have also changed conventional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in diabetes over time. In this study, we performed diabetes syndrome differentiation using TCM according to evidence-based Medicine and expert consensus opinion.

-GI Issues

How does Chinese medicine help with gastrointestinal issues?

Gu syndrome in Chinese Medicine means the complex disease is hidden and stealth infection including chronic parasites, spirochete infections, viral, fungal, and bacterial infections, and even environmental toxins that can lead to systemic inflammatory conditions. Gu syndrome is solved by understanding how to treat a variety of different symptoms that are called patterns in Chinese Medicine.

Dr. Antonika Chanel DACM LA.c
Dr. Antonika Chanel DACM LA.c
Antonika is a holistic health and wellness practitioner who practices monstatic medicine also known as pastoral care. Using the art of meridian therapy Dr. Antonika gently guide, nudge the body and mind to find its own balance. The intelligence of the body knows what to do. Years of practice aids her patients into their return to inner harmony, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being so that we can realize our life's passion without limitations.  ChiC Welllness is dedicated to integrating the highest standard of complementary, and alternative medicine, nurturing intrinsic healing in the whole person. It is our mission to serve, empower and partner with our patients and our community on the path to wellness, transformation, and wholeness. We serve as a model for the new paradigm of patient-centered health care dedicated to furthering evidenced based research and education in Integrative Medicine. 
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