Thursday, February 20, 2025
HomeHealth and FitnessDIM Supplements vs Broccoli and Other Cruciferous Vegetables

DIM Supplements vs Broccoli and Other Cruciferous Vegetables

I’ve seen many folks asking about DIM. I had to take a deeper look under the hood to see what this DIM was all about.

Studies have found that DIM increases lipolysis (fat burning). This means it may be associated with weight loss and healthy weight management. 3

Actually, DIM is a compound called indole-3- carbinol that our body produces during the digestion process. DIM is a compound that the body creates when you eat broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts. These foods are also known as cruciferous vegetables. DIM is found in cruciferous vegetables and contribute to the reduced risk of certain cancers. Studies show that indole-3-carbinol is the constituent in broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts that make that can help reduce the risk of cancer. 1

Some sources say that DIM helps balance estrogen levels in the body, prevents an enzyme called aromatase, which converts testosterone to estrogen. 2

Science says, to get these benefits you would need to consume several servings a day to reap the benefits.

What’s the difference between DIM and foods like broccoli?

The difference between getting DIM from food sources vs. a supplement, you don’t run the risk of potential side effects. There is little research on humans about synthetic DIM, and there are many side effects associated with DIM, such as increased bowel movements, headaches, gas, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and skin rash. More studies are needed to use acne, weight loss, and PMS symptoms that are not backed by research.

DIM synthenticly interacts with estrogen levels and can affect people with hormone sensitive therapies.

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective, food has therapeutic properties. The body has the ability to break down these properties, process enzymes, and metabolize food for the benefit of producing the nutrients the body needs. When we take natural compounds and recreate them in the lab to enhance certain health benefits, we risk experiencing side effects.

To avoid these risks, consider how to redesign your health goals by addressing the root cause of disharmony with a holistic approach to your health.

What can I do now?

The words ‘detox’ or ‘detoxification’ get thrown around a lot these days but few people really know what these words actually mean. 

It’s often a common word used by diet marketers and trainers to sell someone a diet protocol or supplement range. For the majority of people, these are waste of time and money. 

That’s because many fail to understand the detox system and how it actually works. There is no special diet or supplement that serves as the ‘Holy Grail’ to detoxification of the body. 

Detoxification, regarding human health, refers to your body’s ability to convert – or bio transform – waste products and toxins into non-toxic substances that can be excreted from the body. 

The truth is we don’t need any complicated or external diets in order to detox the body, as our bodies are already equipped with the best organs we can get – the liver and kidneys. 

A toxin is defined as any compound that can harm the structure or function of the body’s cells and tissues. Toxicity occurs when we take in more or produce more toxins than the body can eliminate.  Even with a healthy diet and only moderate intakes of substances such as caffeine and alcohol, our bodies are exposed to a cocktail of toxins on a daily basis. 

More than 2 million synthetic substances have been identified as toxins to the human body and up to 25,000 new toxins are added to that list each year. Every day 700,000 tons of chemicals and toxins are released into the environment. Toxins can slowly accumulate over time within the body and overload our internal detoxification systems. They can enter the body through the skin, lungs or can be ingested with food and drinks. Our body also produces toxins as part of normal metabolic processes. 

Toxins cause damage our cellular DNA, and long term exposure can result in metabolic and genetic alternations. This can affect cell growth, behavior, hormonal balance, and immune response, resulting in increased sensitivities, allergies, and other health problems. 

One of the body’s defense mechanisms, when faced with toxicity, is to store the harmful chemicals in the fat tissue. This means that these poisons can be stored for many years in the body, becoming an ongoing source of ill health. 

Start by eating a clean diet.

Go plant-based. Or become a flexitarian—plant-based lifestyle with the occasional meat.

Shop fresh instead of boxed or packaged.

Plan your meals visualize the health that you want.

Connect with a TCM practitioner to get laser-focused on your health.

My mission is to bring greater awareness about the power of the ancient wisdom, art, and science of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and teach people that there is a better and more sustainable way to reach the best version of themselves. I inspire and lead others using accountability practices that allow others to take greater responsibility for their health and wellness. I want everyone to be a willing participant in the lifestyle changes necessary to reach optimal and sustainable health.

Whatever you decide to do, I hope this helps.

Antonika is a board-certified East Asian Medicine Practitioner. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Health Science and Masters in Oriental Medicine in Ft Lauderdale, Florida.  Since 2016 Antonika has traveled the world treating patients on world-class cruise ships, is considered a top tier practitioner, and has owned her own practice in wellness consulting and health coaching. Antonika is a yoga instructor, and she is working towards her certification in Medical Qigong. Currently pursuing a doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine. If you are ready to put in the work, I’m here to show you the way.



Anti-Carcinogenic Glucosinolates in Cruciferous Vegetables and Their Antagonistic Effects on Prevention of Cancers

Chemopreventive properties of 3,3′-diindolylmethane in breast cancer: evidence from experimental and human studies

Why DIM might be right for you

Dr. Antonika Chanel DACM LA.c
Dr. Antonika Chanel DACM LA.c
Antonika is a holistic health and wellness practitioner who practices monstatic medicine also known as pastoral care. Using the art of meridian therapy Dr. Antonika gently guide, nudge the body and mind to find its own balance. The intelligence of the body knows what to do. Years of practice aids her patients into their return to inner harmony, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being so that we can realize our life's passion without limitations.  ChiC Welllness is dedicated to integrating the highest standard of complementary, and alternative medicine, nurturing intrinsic healing in the whole person. It is our mission to serve, empower and partner with our patients and our community on the path to wellness, transformation, and wholeness. We serve as a model for the new paradigm of patient-centered health care dedicated to furthering evidenced based research and education in Integrative Medicine. 
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