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HomeSpiritualityFrom Chinese Medicine to Human Design: A Journey of Healing and Understanding

From Chinese Medicine to Human Design: A Journey of Healing and Understanding

hat doesIntrigued by Chinese medicine, despite initial skepticism from my Christian upbringing, I embarked on a quest for knowledge that led me down unexpected paths. Through years of studying and practicing Chinese medicine in various settings, such as classrooms, cruise ships, and private yachts, I stumbled upon the profound teachings of human design.

Human design has been instrumental in my understanding of others on a deeper level, enabling me to develop personalized treatment protocols to address their emotional challenges. As I delved into neuroscience and energy medicine, I discovered that comprehending an individual’s emotional state can alleviate physical pain and chronic conditions.

Today, I wish to delve into the origins of the human design system, how it came to fruition, and its remarkable ability to empower us to reflect on and apply its principles to our own lives. This transformative journey, from Chinese medicine to human design, has not only broadened my understanding but also brought healing and insight to those I assist.

Have you ever wondered about the roots of human design? The system that combines ancient wisdom and modern science to understand our genetic makeup, and what makes us unique? It all started with one man, Ra Uru Hu, who had a mystical experience in the Ibiza in 1978. Ra Uru Hu was a curious soul, a media producer, and magazine publisher, known in his birth name, Alan Robert Krakower. He had the vision of something greater, something beyond the ordinary, and this vision led him to create the human design system. This blog post is all about the founder of the human design system, Ra Uru Hu, and his journey towards creating a unique approach to understanding human design.

The Birth of A Visionary

Ra Uru Hu was not your typical mystic. He had a bachelor’s degree in arts and a successful career in business. However, he had a strong interest in artistic expression and composing music. He was drawn to the mystery and spirituality of life, and this led him on a journey towards enlightenment. It was during his time in the Ibiza in 1978 that he had a mystical experience that would change his life forever. He was given eight days of transmission that formed the foundation of the human design system.

The Development of Human Design

The human design system takes from the ancient wisdom of the I Ching book, the book of changes, and combines it with the science of genetics. The human design system understands how our DNA is coded and how it makes us who we are. Ra Uru Hu spent 25 years of his life teaching and developing this system, refining it and honing it to perfection. He realized that every individual has a unique genetic makeup, and this creates different design types.

Design Types

The human design system categorizes people into four design types: Manifestor, Reflector, Generating Manifestor Generator, and Projector. Understanding different design types helps individuals understand their unique strengths and weaknesses and helps them make better decisions.


Manifestors are natural initiators who like to get things done and move things forward. Manifestors in Human Design are indeed a unique and powerful type. Their signature is peace, which means that when they are living in alignment with their true nature, they experience a sense of inner calm and fulfillment. However, their not-self theme is anger. This means that when a manifestor is not living in alignment with their design or encounters resistance from others, they may feel frustration or anger.

Manifestors make up only about 8 percent of the population, making them a minority. They are often referred to as the “lawmakers” of the world because they have the ability to initiate and make things happen. They resist any kind of control or limitation placed upon them, and their independent nature can have a deep impact on others.

Manifestors understand that they must actively seek what they want in life because it will not simply come to them. They have a natural inclination to inform and lead others, as this is their highest calling. However, it’s important for manifestors to be aware that their forthright nature can sometimes inspire resistance in others. When they encounter this resistance, it’s crucial for manifestors to find ways to overcome their own anger and navigate the situation with grace and diplomacy.

Overall, manifestors have a unique role to play in the world. By embracing their true nature, understanding their impact on others, and finding ways to manage their anger, they can bring about positive change and create a harmonious environment for themselves and those around them.


Reflector’s primary function is to simply reflect the energy of the environment around them. Making up only 1 percent of the human population. What sets reflectors apart is that all of their centers are open, meaning they are incredibly receptive and sensitive to the energies of the world and others around them.

Reflectors have a natural ability to pick up on specific frequencies and reflect them back into the world. They serve as mirrors, reflecting the energy and experiences they encounter. When a reflector is living in alignment with their true nature, they embody empathy and possess the remarkable ability to see the world through the eyes of others. This adaptability allows them to embrace multiple perspectives and gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse tapestry of life.

However, the not-self theme of a reflector is disappointment. This emotion arises when a reflector feels unable to fulfill their role as a mirror and connect with the energies they encounter. It’s important for reflectors to recognize and navigate this natural emotion, understanding that it signifies a misalignment with their true nature.

Being open and receptive can be both a blessing and a challenge for reflectors. By embracing their inherent openness and finding ways to channel and reflect the energies they encounter, reflectors can tap into their unique gifts and contribute to the collective in a truly profound way.

Generating Manifestor Generators

Generating Manifestor Generators have a unique ability to generate energy and bring ideas to fruition. The most prevalent design type in Human Design is that of generators and manifesting generators. Generators make up approximately 70% of the population, representing a significant portion of human energy. They are often seen as the dedicated workers and contributors to society. Collaboration and working towards common goals hold great importance for generators.

Generators are known for their ability to bring about significant changes, even if they may not be the ones who conceive or lead those changes directly. They possess a strong work ethic and can excel in various roles. However, there is a potential downside for generators, as they can sometimes find themselves feeling like slaves to their work. The repetitive nature of certain jobs can be draining for them.

The not-self theme for generators is frustration, specifically the frustration of feeling disconnected or alienated from the labor they invest in. This frustration arises when generators put in hard work without experiencing a sense of fulfillment or meaningful progress.

Generators should strive to find work that aligns with their passion and brings them a sense of satisfaction. By listening to their inner knowing, known as their sacral authority, generators can discern which opportunities and endeavors will truly energize them.

Ultimately, by balancing their work with self-care and ensuring that they are engaged in activities that genuinely fulfill them, generators can harness their powerful life force energy and make a profound impact on the world.


Projectors are natural guides and have the ability to see people’s potentials.

Projectors in Human Design account for approximately 22% of the human population. One of the most notable characteristics of projectors is that they are not here primarily to work, but rather to understand and guide others. There is a certain element of passivity to their nature, as they are not typically forceful leaders.

Projectors can only truly share their unique gifts and insights if they are invited to do so and if their contributions are recognized and appreciated by others. This recognition and appreciation serve as the key to success for projectors. When their talents and wisdom are acknowledged, projectors thrive and can make a significant impact on those around them.

However, the not-self theme for projectors is bitterness. Bitterness can arise from a deep sense of resentment stemming from a feeling of neglect or being overlooked. Projectors may feel frustrated or resentful when their guidance and expertise go unnoticed or underappreciated.

To honor their design, projectors should focus on cultivating healthy boundaries and waiting for invitations to share their knowledge and guidance. By patiently awaiting recognition and appreciating the value of their own unique perspective, projectors can overcome bitterness and find fulfillment in their role as guides and mentors.

Understanding their inherent strengths and embracing their passivity can lead projectors to a path of self-empowerment and the ability to positively impact the lives of others.

The Enduring Influence of Ra Uru Hu: Unveiling the Human Design System

Ra Uru Hu devoted his life to human design. He was passionate about sharing this knowledge and helping people find their true purpose. He passed away in 2011, but his legacy lives on through his teachings. Ra Uru Hu’s philosophy was revolutionary, and his impact on the fields of energy and mind-body quantum healing is immense. His teachings continue to inspire and change the lives of millions of people around the world.

Ra Uru Hu’s journey towards creating the human design system is an inspiration to us all. His passion, curiosity, and spiritual vision have created a unique approach to understanding human design. The human design system is not just a tool to help us understand ourselves, but also a way to connect with our true selves and find our purpose in life. Ra Uru Hu’s legacy will continue to influence and transform people’s lives for years to come. Understanding human design has the power to revolutionize how we view ourselves and the world around us.

Dr. Antonika Chanel DACM LA.c
Dr. Antonika Chanel DACM LA.c
Antonika is a holistic health and wellness practitioner who practices monstatic medicine also known as pastoral care. Using the art of meridian therapy Dr. Antonika gently guide, nudge the body and mind to find its own balance. The intelligence of the body knows what to do. Years of practice aids her patients into their return to inner harmony, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being so that we can realize our life's passion without limitations.  ChiC Welllness is dedicated to integrating the highest standard of complementary, and alternative medicine, nurturing intrinsic healing in the whole person. It is our mission to serve, empower and partner with our patients and our community on the path to wellness, transformation, and wholeness. We serve as a model for the new paradigm of patient-centered health care dedicated to furthering evidenced based research and education in Integrative Medicine. 
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