Wednesday, February 19, 2025
HomeHealth and FitnessHow To Get Past The Feeling Of Stress And Anxiety Without Feeling...

How To Get Past The Feeling Of Stress And Anxiety Without Feeling Overwhelmed And Stressed Out

Let me tell you a personal story. The story that brought me to become so passionately in love with Chinese medicine. I was in the USCG. I was the only female in my department working in aviation. I felt I was treated unfairly because I was a woman in a mans world. There were jobs I wasn’t allowed to do and I was affected by all the side conversations my colleges were having around me including my superiors. As much as I ignored the comments, they were enough to make me leave that field to work in a different part of the service.

After four years of active duty, I didn’t feel like I was treated fairly in any branch of the service. I was miserable. I hate my life and I didn’t feel like my contribution to the service was worth while. I experiences serious health conditions that influenced my desire to leave the military. When I finally got out I was already prescribed so many medications. I didn’t feel myself. I started seeing an Acupuncturist and my life turned around quickly. I was so inspired by how well my body responded that I decided to enroll and learn all about Chinese medicine.

  • I was learning about herbs and saw the benefits of aromatics
  • I loved how I felt on a physical level
  • I got better sleep
  • I had more energy
  • I was happier
  • When I diffused them I was able to study better.

For years, scientists have studied human emotions because of their mysterious nature and the vital role they play in our daily lives. Most scientists agree that emotions are complex, multi-factorial responses that are triggered by multiple mechanisms and stimuli. This explains why emotions are so complex and mysterious—they are multi-factorial, which means that they are dependent on a variety of factors or causes. Emotions are also complicated because they can be triggered by any number of means or stimuli. Simply put, emotions are your response to the environment around you. This “environment” includes your physical location, the people around you, any activities you are engaging in, and dozens of other factors (both in and out of your control.) Your brain will process these factors and determine how to respond emotionally. This response will usually lead to some sort of action and is typically based on your previous experiences and survival instincts.

Emotions and responses will vary from person to person because of our unique personalities and life experiences. For me I went through an emotional roller coaster. It’s like this, an individual’s personality and experience will influence how they perceive stimuli and their environment. This is why we each have unique responses and ways of dealing with emotions—the same stimuli can be perceived differently by two people.

While there are a wide array of emotions, and countless possible responses, emotions can generally be categorized into one of two categories: positive or negative. As mentioned, positive emotions can help improve wellbeing and quality of life, while negative emotions can take a toll on the body, both mentally and physically
when they are not dealt with properly.

Essential Oils Will Help You On An Emotional Level :
* Essential oils are powerful tools spiritually and physically
* You can easily start using herbs to help you on an emotional and physical level and regain mental clarity and peace of mind
* Essential oils are easy use and you can easily learn how to identify what essential oils are best for any condition.

You might want to consider incorporating the use of essential oils into your regular routine for mood management. Although methods for dealing with negative emotions will vary from person to person, there is a wide variety of essential oils to choose from when it comes to uplifting mood and promoting positive emotions. Because each person is unique, it is helpful to have an equally unique set of oils, each with its own unique chemistry, to help soothe, calm, or uplift the mood. Once you learn about how to use essential oils to manage your mood, you will find that they can become a regular part of your routine for combating negative emotions in your daily life.

Essential Oils Are Powerful Tools Spiritually And Physically

  • When it comes to herbs, we focus on organic chemistry. Organic chemistry is the study of molecules that have carbon in them.
  • This comes from the study of herbology.
  • There are over 45,000 herbs, and a few hundred of them are aromatics.
  • I learned this from years of studying Chinese Medicine and aromatics with Doterra. I give credit to Doterra because they have provided countless education on the use and extraction of essential oils from around the world.

Now, anytime we inhale a distinct aroma (including the scent of an essential oil), that aroma will be processed through different parts of the brain in a special sequence. After inhaling an aroma, the scent will be processed in the brain’s olfactory system, which is responsible for controlling our sense of smell. When an aroma is inhaled, it travels to the olfactory system by way of the olfactory nerve, so that it can be processed.

The olfactory system is connected to the limbic system, a part of the brain where our emotions and memories are stored. This connection to the limbic system causes a response to the aroma based on any memories that are associated with that smell. The response produced by the limbic system of the brain often causes an immediate rush of feelings also known as an emotional response.

Certain aromas can elicit certain emotions by triggering our memories and creating emotional responses. While everyone has different memories and
life experiences, it is possible to harness the power of essential oils to create a specific response. Each essential oil has a unique chemical profile, which gives
the oil certain properties and benefits. The chemical makeup of the essential oil will determine its attributes, benefits, and what kind of emotional responses it can
produce. Therefore, it is possible to choose an essential oil based on its chemical profile for the purpose of eliciting a specific emotional response.

While there are many elements involved in the chemical makeup of an essential oil, many of the chemical constituents included in an oil depend on what kind of plant it comes from. Most essential oils come from plants, fruits, or plant materials, which will determine what kind of chemical constituents are included in the oil once it is produced.

You Can Easily Start Using Herbs To Help You On An Emotional And Physical Level And Regain Mental Clarity And Peace Of Mind

  • Essential oils work on an emotional level.
  • I teach you what each essential oil does and how to learn what oils you need to use topically aromatically and internally.
  • The goal is for you to become independent in the usage of essential oils so you can teach others and empower your family holistically.

The thing about aromatherapy is that it allows the user to apply particular oils in order to produce certain emotional responses and manage their mood. However, no two people are the same, and because aromas are processed in the limbic system where our memories and emotions are stored, it is possible for two people
to have a different reaction to the scent of the same oil. While a chosen essential oil can elicit a specific response, it is important to remember that our reaction to an aroma will be based on our experiences, preferences, environment, and even our unique genetic makeup. This is perhaps why aromatherapy has been in practice for so long the user can create an individualized aromatic experience based on their unique experiences and preferences.

No two people will have exactly the same response to a single oil, which makes aromatherapy a highly individualized method for dealing with emotions. Your personal experiences, emotions, and preferences will determine how an essential oil benefits you, which makes it easy to tailor your aromatherapy experience to your specific needs. No matter the individual or the oil, one thing is for certain—essential oils can be used to generate powerful internal responses that can help promote wellbeing.

How To Identify What Essential Oils Are Best For Any Condition

  • Each oils as a theraputic property. In the list below the theraputic property of essential oil is listed next to what they are best used for on an emotional level.
  • Essential oils are not complicated. When we understand how they work and what they do, using them become second nature. With me we take the time to learn about the chemistry of essential oils, nutrition and food. I want you to become fully confident in how to use essential oil so you don’t have to depend on medication for the rest of your life.

Start To Have A Resource That Helps You Have More Mental Clarity And A Sense Of Peace And Calm In Timeframe in my free training Five Step Process.

I know I can help you get past the struggle and feeling yourself again. Whatever you do, do what’s best for you.

Dr. Antonika Chanel DACM LA.c
Dr. Antonika Chanel DACM LA.c
Antonika is a holistic health and wellness practitioner who practices monstatic medicine also known as pastoral care. Using the art of meridian therapy Dr. Antonika gently guide, nudge the body and mind to find its own balance. The intelligence of the body knows what to do. Years of practice aids her patients into their return to inner harmony, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being so that we can realize our life's passion without limitations.  ChiC Welllness is dedicated to integrating the highest standard of complementary, and alternative medicine, nurturing intrinsic healing in the whole person. It is our mission to serve, empower and partner with our patients and our community on the path to wellness, transformation, and wholeness. We serve as a model for the new paradigm of patient-centered health care dedicated to furthering evidenced based research and education in Integrative Medicine. 
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