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HomeHealth and FitnessLife Saving Superfoods | ChiC Wellness

Life Saving Superfoods | ChiC Wellness

Superfoods are nutritionally rich and beneficial to our health. They are mainly plant-based however some superfoods include fish and plant-based milk. Blueberries salmon, kale, açai, are just a few foods that have earned the superfood trophy.

We are going to take a close look at:

  1. Organic cranberry extract
  2. Organic apple
  3. Organic pomegranate
  4. Organic lemon powder
  5. Organic pineapple
  6. Organic mango

…. and way more. 

At ChiC Wellness, we are passionate about nutritional therapy and superfoods are a high priority on our list. In fact, they are included in our nutritional therapy program which serves as care in between care.

Superfoods include a wide range of nutrients including antioxidants which protect against cancer. They are also including fats that help support heart disease and fiber which helps clean up our digestion and reduce the symptoms of diabetes when followed by a nutrient-rich dense lifestyle. phytochemicals are compounds in plants that give plants their rich color and fragrance. Phytochemicals have many health benefits.

In this blog I’m going to tell you about the most convenient fast health food on the market. It is considered the purest form of nutrient-rich dense food that is non-GMO vegan and USDA organic. 

In a world where we are fighting to rob Peter to pay Paul getting high dense nutrient-rich foods into our system can be a battle.

Your Health should be a priority and at chic wellness, that’s why we provide a full service nutritional therapy customized program we show you how you can live both a fast-paced life and have superior health.

What happens if you eat blueberries daily?

Let’s dive into the health benefits of blueberries.  Blueberries are high in anthocyanins, an antioxidant Fido nutrients that gives them their blue color.  Blueberries are effective and neutralizing free radical damage to the college and matrix of cells and tissue. Anthocyanins science have been proven to increase capillary integrity and boost benefits of vitamin C.  Blueberries help support our bodies ability to maintain mental function and preserving our brain tissue from oxidative stress. Studies have shown that memory and learning capabilities improve when we eat blueberries of a high-quality and that depressive symptoms decrease.  

Blueberries are both nutritious and tasty. That’s why product creator Dave Sandoval decided to synergistically blend this antioxidant-rich fruit with a slew of other superfoods to create Bio Fruit, a superfood elixir.

At ChiC Wellness one of the products that we carry contain a bountiful source of blueberries. Bio fruit is often times included in our custom programs that provide nutritional support while navigating our health towards holistic therapies.  In fact we offer a one on one consultation with a holistic doctor that takes a careful look at diagnostic analysis and provide food therapy protocols along with other holistic therapies that are supportive of health conditions that are crippling lives.



What makes Bio Fruit so special? And what’s the big deal about blueberries? 

In this lifestyle, you’ll find all the juicy information.

What To Know About Bio Fruit

Have you ever wondered what makes a superfood? Superfoods are distinguished by having a higher concentration of nutrients, antioxidants, nutrients, and advantages than non-beneficial foods.

When referring to a meal as a “superfood,” experts consider the calorie-antioxidant ratio. This ratio compares the number of antioxidants to the number of calories. You should seek meals that are high in antioxidants.

And guess what else? The fruits in Bio Fruit, including blueberries, have a high calorie-to-antioxidant ratio. So, are you ready to go into the details?

Meet The Powerhouse Ingredients Of Bio Fruit:


Organic Cranberry Extract

Organic cranberry extract is beneficial for conditions like urinary tract infections. It also helps boost immune system, lower blood sugar and helps protect us against cancer and heart disease. Organic cranberries are high in antioxidants and it’s an excellent source of vitamin C. It helps stop free radical damage and age related oxidative stress.

Organic Apple

In the nurse health study and the health professionals follow up study it was noted that a regular consumption of fruit and vegetables was linked to 20% reduction in lung cancer in women. It was also found the apples alone stood out as having a significant effect when consumed individually. And a finish study, a sample population of 1000 men and women showed that there was a strong relationship between those who had a higher intake a flavonoids and though she had a lower intake a flavonoids. Those who had a higher take of flavonoids had a lower growth of lung cancer. In the primary source of flavonoids are in apples.  

Consuming a lot of apples will only benefit our health if the apples are not coated in cancer causing pesticides like life a state. ChiC Wellness only sources plant-based nourishment that is of the highest quality. The apples that are included in our nutritional program come from the most reliable resource on the planet.  

Organic Pomegranate

Pomegranate is one of the worlds most ancient foods. It originally comes from Persia and it symbolizes abundance and prosperity. It has been a part of many cultures and it is a very highly celebrated source of food. It is one of the most popular super foods today. And I are Vedic medicine it is a resource for traditional remedies and has been for thousands of years. For example the bark of the pomegranate tree is used for symptoms of diarrhea, bladder problems, mouth ulcers, and intestinal parasites and the seeds and juice are considered a tonic for the heart. Pomegranate is an immune boosting photo nutrient and has been used to prevent degenerative and inflammatory ailments like heart disease arthritis and cancer.

Organic Lemon Powder

Fruit powder is dried fruit that’s been grounded or poll zed. It can be used as a substitute for artificial flavoring and all kinds of dishes. It’s made by using a dehydrator and a blender. Even the fresh foods are a good source of essential nutrients and potent antioxidants, they can only last a few weeks at most one stored in the refrigerator. So an easy way to make foods last longer, we turn them into fruit powder. The process involves dehydrating and grinding the fruit. This takes several hours but once it’s done it can be grounded and stored in a jar for months. So lemon powder is an excellent source of vitamin C and essential immune boosting nutrient.

Organic Pineapple

Pineapple is a member of the Bromelaid family.  And pineapple is the only fruit that provides Bromelaid that is edible. Bromelaid has the ability to help reduce inflammation. Pineapple is also high in magnesium, a mineral that is critical to the development of strong bones and connective tissue. Pineapple also helps break down proteins and this is why it’s known to be a very good digestive aid. In Germany Bromaline is approved as a post injury medication because of its powerful ability to reduce inflammation and swelling.

Organic Mango

Mango is packed with fiber, vitamin a vitamin C, potassium magnesium, copper, corseting, beta carotene and astragalin.  Health benefits include preventing cancer help relieve anemia because it’s rich in iron and it increases red blood cell count. Helps reduce acne by removing excess oil and buildup that contributes to the development of acne. It also helps promote brain health. It contains an abundance of vitamin B six which is essential for brain health and mangoes help regulate mood and can help you sleep better to. Mangoes are essential in managing diabetes. Studies have shown that mangoes can be an excellent natural remedy for diabete. Some nutritionist believe that boiling mango leaves in water for 10 to 15 minutes and drinking the tea on an empty stomach will help reduce high sugar insulin levels.

Organic Blackberry

Blackberries are abundant in micro nutrients called polyphenols. And blackberries help treat clogged arteries according to an associate professor of nutrition at Florida State University. Diet rich in nutrient dense foods are beneficial for heart health. Studies have shown that a regular consumption of foods that are high in nutrient rich dense foods help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Organic Blueberry

Blueberries or some of the healthiest foods you can eat according to the American journal of clinical nutrition. One cup a serving of blueberries a day relax stiff arteries and reduce cholesterol levels. It also helps minimize the risk of heart disease. Blueberries prevent inflammation because they produce a compound that act like antioxidants. One study show that I daily intake of blueberries over a six month. Helped improve blood vessel function and East Steph arteries and overweight and obese adults. 

Organic Grape

These days grapes are heavily sprayed with pesticides. If they weren’t they would be high in nutrients that are beneficial for heart health. Resveratrol is considered a miracle antioxidant found in grape skin. Studies shown that it is linked to lowering the risk of heart disease and lessening the effects of aging.  In fact resveratrol is a natural antibiotic and fungicide.  

Organic Acai

This berry contains antioxidants and anthocyanins. Acai has been known to slow down the bodies aging process. It has 10 more times antioxidants than grapes and twice as many as blueberries, It gives you a boost of energy keeps your heart beating better, it helps support brain power and it helps in weight loss by boosting the metabolism. Acai increases metabolism meaning that food bowl digest faster and the body will be less likely to create fat stores.

Organic Beet Root

Beetroot is loaded with fiber, fully, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, vitamin a, B6, and C, it’s also loaded with potassium and riboflavin. It’s super high in antioxidants and betalains is what gives beats it’s bright purple color. Other antioxidants found in BGS include alpha lipoid acid and lutein.  Nitrates are compounds that are converted into nitric acid when they are absorb to your body. And nitric acid help lower your blood pressure and improve your blood flow by relaxing or blood vessels and making them wider. Eat root is one of the best natural sources of nitrates. It also has a high level of flavonoids that lower cholesterol and triglycerides.

Organic Acerola Extract

Acerola cherry also known as Barbados cherry is grown in tropical regions such as the Caribbean and Brazil. It has a high source of vitamin C and it reduces intestinal inflammation, treats the common cold minimizes depression and relieves infections. 

Organic Black Currant

 Black is the new green. The most concentrated source of entry signs is red blue purple and black. Black foods have more antioxidants than light colored foods because of their high pigment content. Three super healthy black foods are black pepper black tea black lentils. A recent study in Denmark showed that an increased consumption of fruits can lower the markers for inflammation and endothelial activation which are factors associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease.  Study was published in The British journal of Nutrition.  And it showed that black Jews helped lower see reactive proteins a compound that’s made in the liver and known for inflammation by 11%. Fibrillation also a marker for inflammation was reduced by 3%. While sugar drinks and sodas raise the markers by 13 and 2%. The study showed that there were no significant affects on vitamin E supplements or fruit juices. Neither fruit juices or vitamin E supplements were found to reduce the markers of endothelial activation.

Organic Goji Berry

Goji berry is another ancient fruit very popular in east Asia. They say if you eat a handful every morning it will induce in mellow mood all day. That’s why they are known for being happy berries. Goji berries strengthen the immune system slow the effective aging, defends the liver supports vision health and helps build cardiovascular and circulatory system. Goji berries are high in antioxidants.  It’s a fruit that fights cancer and other autoimmune diseases. 

Organic Cranberry

Cranberries are high in Fido nutrients, phenolic acid, flavonoids triterpenoids, they’re high in fiber vitamin C and manganese.  Cranberries help reduce the risk of cold and flu and they help the entire digestive track by supporting the balance of bacteria in the gut. Cranberries inhibit bacteria from latching on to the lining of the urinary track and stomach lining. They are anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative and they inhibit the formation of plaque on the vessel wall. Studies have confirmed that cranberries help prevent cancer specifically breast cancer, prostate, and lung cancer.

Organic Strawberry

Eating a variety of foods can be the key to maintaining energy levels, improving memory fighting Nurodegenerative illnesses, cardiovascular health, and preventing common diabetes complications. Any fruit can be a regular addition to a diabetic lifestyle. However a variety of fruits is better than just eating one. Strawberries have been identified as effective at fighting cholesterol, post meal blood glucose levels, and they stimulate a special proteins NRF2 which activates antioxidant activity and decreases blood lipids.

Organic Raspberry

A recent study in 2019 conducted at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University in China found a potential treatment against Leukemia in the Australian raspberry. Their findings were published in the Chinese Journal of integrative medicine and it was based on the results from a study that was conducted in mice. The study concluded that the Australian raspberry traditionally used in Chinese medicine for angina, hepatitis and rheumatism have anti-tumor activities. 

They completed the study by grafting human leukemia cells on two nude mice and treated them with different concentrations of the saponins, triterpene and glycosides (constituent in the rasberry that gives the rasberry it’s bitter taste). The study determined that the tumor weight and growth rate were inhibited and exhibited a decrease in both growth and weight so it was concluded that Australian raspberry has potential used as a natural remedy against leukemia



bio fruit from purium ingredients



Here Are Some Key Points To Know About These Ingredients:


  1. Bio Fruit is completely organic (100%), non GMO, gluten free
  1. Cranberries include nutrients that may aid the body’s defense against germs. As a result, dietitians and physicians may sometimes recommend drinking cranberry juice to aid with urinary tract infections.
  1. Plant chemicals found in blueberries may aid in the body’s reaction to inflammation. These substances may aid in the health of your eyes and heart.
  1. Apples provide a plethora of health advantages both inside and out. The interior of an apple includes phytochemicals that may aid in nutrient absorption. The outdoor environment may also aid in cleansing!
  1. Pomegranate, like the other fruits on this list, has anti-aging elements that may aid your body’s response to aging. How can it assist with this? Antioxidant capabilities aid in the battle against free radicals, which lead to skin damage, wrinkles, and aging. Include it in your healthy skincare regime.
  1. Lemonoids may be found in lemon peels. (Not lemonade, but limonoids) These limonoids aid in the defense of the immune system against germs and viruses.
  1. We find papain in pineapple (more papain than papaya). Papain is also high in antioxidants and helps to revitalize the body.

Additional Information For Bio Fruit

  • Bio Fruit has a reduced-calorie and sugar content, making it ideal for people seeking low-sugar beverages. They derive the sugar in this blend straight from the fruits, rather than from manufactured additives.
  • Love Apothe-Cherry for its antioxidant effects, but can’t bring it with you when you travel? Instead, try Bio Fruit!
ChiC Wellness Acupuncture

Lifestyle Concierge is a collaboration of health care practitioners dedicated to integrating the highest standard of conventional, complementary, and alternative medicine, nurturing intrinsic healing in the whole person, body, mind, and spirit. It is our mission to serve, empower and partner with our patients and our community on the path to wellness, transformation, and wholeness.

We will serve as a model for the new paradigm of patient-centered health care dedicated to furthering evidenced based research and education in Integrative Medicine. 


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Dr. Antonika Chanel DACM LA.c
Dr. Antonika Chanel DACM LA.c
Antonika is a holistic health and wellness practitioner who practices monstatic medicine also known as pastoral care. Using the art of meridian therapy Dr. Antonika gently guide, nudge the body and mind to find its own balance. The intelligence of the body knows what to do. Years of practice aids her patients into their return to inner harmony, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being so that we can realize our life's passion without limitations.  ChiC Welllness is dedicated to integrating the highest standard of complementary, and alternative medicine, nurturing intrinsic healing in the whole person. It is our mission to serve, empower and partner with our patients and our community on the path to wellness, transformation, and wholeness. We serve as a model for the new paradigm of patient-centered health care dedicated to furthering evidenced based research and education in Integrative Medicine. 
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