Kambô Therapy

Kambô Therapy

Kambô is a substance that is extremely rich in bioactive peptides and neuropeptides.  A peptide is a signaling molecule that keeps the body in homeostasis and allows for high performing cellular efficiency.  As we start to age pas the point of our fertile years we start to feel the wear and tear of the world and our bodies, we really begin to feel the aging affect.  Aging itself could be considered a disease. It means that the human cells are just losing their efficiency to take on life the way the did when we were younger.  

This is where the magic of the peptides shine through.  We have over 7000 naturally occuring peptides that play a crucial role in our overall cellular functioning throughout the body.  As we age these peptides begin to confuse the cells and the cells become deficient and lose their ability to function.  

Kambo frog

Kambô supplementation works to bring all systems back online and operating at it optimal ability.

When we start to see our hormones function abnormally, our blood pressure starts to change and we start having issues with depression and anxiety we turn to things like cosmetics and drugs.  When begin to lose the elasticity in our skin and we gain weight we just can’t seem to shed Kambô brings it all back together.  The peptides found in Kambô make the cell efficient again and re introduces the fountain of youth back into the body.  

Part of bringing vitality back into the body means strengthening the immune system and giving the body a better chance of combatting viruses, illness and disease.  This is why we have so much success with people fighting lyme disease.  We have even worked with former NFL athletes that have been given their life back with Kambô after having their body destroyed and compromised from suffering concussion after concussion.  Kambô offers hope where there was none before. 

Although Kambô supplementation is uncomfortable for a few moments, the benefits far outweigh any discomfort the client may feel. It’s similar to having a 20 minute flu and then it passes. Learn more..

How can Kambô help me?

Steeped in ancestral wisdom, Kambo is an ancient therapeutic practice that can effectively bring balance back to body and soul. It promotes holistic healing through its powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties so it’s no surprise many people turn to the traditional medicine for relief from a variety of conditions such as infections, depression, chronic pain or poor circulation. Beyond physical health benefits – often referred to as ‘panema’ (bad luck) removal – those who experience this ceremony also report lasting emotional clarity and spiritual breakthroughs! With research showing evidence of improved well being we invite you today find out how kambo could help benefit your life too – contact us now with any questions or if your specific ailment isn’t listed here. 

Kambo cleansing can help with some problems. These include: addiction, depression, chronic pain, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, migraines, blood circulation problems, vascular insufficiency, fever, infections and fertility issues.

tribal detox partner

Our professionally trained executive Kambô practitioners have the highest level of certification in Kambô training. All clients must sign a comprehensive waiver and conduct a consultation before commencing any session. If you like to participate in a Kambô session you can complete your Kambô waiver here.